Magic first help in Internet
Our opportunities:
Prediction of the future, change your life for the best | 20à USD |
Diagnostics and treatment,à saving your beauty and youth | 20 USD |
Return of your loved, fidelity and reliability in love | 20 USD |
Clearing from alcoholic dependence, drugs and other. Coding and decoding | 60 USD |
Diagnostics of people on distance. Protection ofà your close people | 20 USD |
Removalà a damnation, vampirism, exile of demons, devilries, the poltergeist | 20 USD |
Seach of disappeared subjects, people, the stolen automobiles | 40 USD |
The help in realization of wishes. Return of good luck | 20 USD |
Training and opening of skill to diagnose and treat people, to raise intuition, to predict | One lesson - 20 USD (Rate of 10 lessons) |
Increase ofà possibilitiesà of yourà brain to think, improvement of memory, increase of emotional sensuality and other properties | 20 USD |
The business - forecast. A choice of partners and a successful theme for business. Measures of protection from thefts and racket, terms of return of debt | 20 USD |
Normalization of weight quickly and for a long time. Rational use of food stuffs. Coding. | 20 USD |
Perfection of loveà relations,àà elimination of frigidity and an impotence | 20 USD |
Perfection of education of children, improvement ofà relation with children, questions of the inheritance | 20 USD |
Correction of bioenergy | 20 USD |
Change of energyà of waters, various subjects, clothes, dwelling, geopathogenic zones, installation of powerful protection | 20 USD |
àDiagnostics of animals on disnatce. | 20 USD |
Clearing of a fright, stresses, depressions,à possible mental frustration | 20 USD |
Perfection in questions of religion and religious sects | 20 USD |
Diagnostics of opportunities of magicians, psychics, doctors, clerics. The forecast of results of contacts with them | 20 USD |
Dreams and their explanation, reading of subconscious ideas, the forecast of behaviour of people in critical situations | 20 USD |
Support in judicial questions. Protection from unluck | 20 USD |
Servicesàà of the astrologist | 20 USD |
Performance of various services of occult character under the order | 20 USD |
( the prices are specified for one visit)
Servicing is at office 414 in hotel " Sochi " will be under other tariffs. You can familiarize with these prices on a place.
You can receive allà our services operatively, having executed the following formalities:
To inform to our e-mailà about your desiresàà in the free form, specify from us the sum of payment and term of performance of your order. If you are sure in cost of the order, You can pay it now to our account. à
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We can guaranteed execution of your orderà after receipting of payment. You receive from us the notice to your address of correspondence.
You have a possibility for theà long-term service, when you have money on your personal account. à
If you want to keep secret of the name, you can use pseudonym and to use only this pseudonym at each referenceà to us. A pseudonym in letters allocate with inverted commas to exclude the false biofield information on you.
About return of the unused money resources...
à à à |
System of optimal selfculture (SOS).(in Russian) Secrets of the new Testament.(in Russian) Miracle of a feed .(in Russian) The express train - forecast of destiny for nearest days (in Russian) à
àOur address:à Osipov A., p.o. 995, Sochi,à354000, Russiaàà à e-mail: Office414, hotel "Sochi", Sochi, |
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