The form of bank in currency



The name of receiver: Osipov Artur (pass. 86 97 020011)
Number of the currency account: 40909840200000000000


Coordinates of the bank - correspondent (in USA):


The name of the bank - addressee Bankers Trust Company
The address of the bank - correspondent 16 Wall Street, New York, NY 10006, USA
The correspondent account Account/04-182-331

Coordinates of bank of the addressee:

The name of the bank - addressee JSC Yugbank Sochi branch SWIFT YUGKRU22
The address of the bank - addressee 5, Moskovskaya Str., 354000 Sochi, Russia


Please,   inform us about your  payment  by  e-mail: The notice we ask to make  on the following sample:

1. Yours first and  last name ;

2. Yours e-mail ;

3. Services which you order, and the sum on your personal account;

4. Date of transfer of money.


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